
PASSAGE PERILLEUX: LOUISE ARBOUR ET L’AVENIR DE LA MIGRATION Director and Producer. We follow Quebec jurist Louise Arbour as she leads the UN’s campaign to pass the Global Compact for Migration at as time of angry nationalism and anti-immigrant sentiments in many countries. 52 mins. Radio-Canada March 2020.

NAPPAGUNNAQULUSI: So That You Can Stand.  Writer/Director of how Quebec’s Inuit negotiated, with the Crees, Canada’s first land-claims agreement, the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, in 1975, and thus opened the door to their homeland, Nunavik.  82 mins. Theatrical release Dec 2015.

Cultural Dispossession in the North.  Writer/Director of this 3-part installation at the new Canadian Museum of Human Rights, opened in Winnipeg in mid-2015.

Tony: Back from the Brink. Consultant and mentor to the Director. The redemption of an infamous Inuk criminal reveals how the Canadian justice and prison systems serve Aboriginal Canadians poorly. 2014 broadcast on APTN and CBC.

Nunavut Quest/La Quete de Philippe Writer/Director. 6×22 mins. in English and Inuktitut; 1X52 mins. In French. A tough week-long traditional Inuit sled dog race on northern Baffin Island is also a major cultural event.  Broadcast on SRC 2011 and APTN 2012.

Qimmit: A Clash of Two Truths/Qimmit: Un choc, deux vérités. Writer and co-director of this search for truth in the killings of Inuit sled dogs in the Canadian Arctic in the 1950s and 1960s.  Piksuk Media, with NFB, APTN, SRC. First broadcast June 2010. Rigoberta Menchu Award, Terre-en-vue festival 2010.

La grande soif. Co-writer/co-director. 10×30 mins. on crucial water issues across Canada.  PVP Films for SRC and TFO.  2009.

La Piqure/The Needle, directed this children’s short from northern Uganda, produced by the Piero & Lucille Corti Foundation.  2008.

In the Crossfire/Sur la ligne de tir, writer/director of this close-up action-filled portrait of U.N. Human Rights High Commissioner Louise Arbour. Galafilm for CBC and SRC. Prix Gemeau for best Québec documentary, 2007.

Terres arctiques, Writer/director and story editor for this 10×30-min series about the race for control of the Arctic. Les Productions Vic Pelletier for SRC, TFO and several European broadcasters, 2007.

The Mystery of Arqioq/Le mystere d’Arqioq. Writer/co-director for this Arctic mystery for APTN. A co-production of Piksuk Media Inc. and the Inuit Communications Systems Ltd.  2008.

Chute libre. Writer/Director/Producer. An “adventure therapy” expedition through Arctic Québec with a group of teenagers fighting cancer.  Canal Vie, 2006.

Vu du large, sailing the Great Lakes and the Mississippi with singer Zachary Richard to discover serious new threats to this eco-system. Director/writer for Les productions Vic Pelletier and Les productions Thalie, for RDI and TFO. May 2006.

Dogs With Jobs. Director of roughly 12 stories, in 2003 – 2004, for this highly successful series.

The Intruders.  Writer/Director for three episodes of this 10 x 45’ series. Megafun Productions with France 24.

The Muskox Patrol/La patrouille arctique.  Docudrama.  In 1922, the RCMP sent a handful of young Mounties to Ellesmere Island to protect animals and Canadian sovereignty from foreign marauders and explorers. For History Television, TFO, Historia, NRK. October 2004

Kikkik.  A 2-hour docu-drama in Inuktitut, English and French. Based on my 2000 English-language film, Kikkik. it tells the story of an Inuk woman charged with murder in Canada’s Arctic in 1958, and of her children’s efforts to discover the truth behind their mother’s tragedy. Nominated for two Gemini awards, 2003. 

My Doukhobor Cousins. Director.  A saga of a family of this Russian religious community caught up in feuding and confrontation with Canadian authorities. 75’ NFB production. Released Spring 2003.

A Bridge to Mars/Un pas vers Mars. DirectorThree Canadian scientists practice in the High Arctic for a human mission to Mars. 2002 Jules Verne Award.

Souris Marie, la vie est belle/Larger Than Life.  Writer/Director. Teens stricken by cancer climb a mountain in Canada’s High Arctic to regain their will to live.  For TV5, Discovery Health International, 2001

Mme la Procureure/The Prosecutor.  Writer/Director/Co-producer. A portrait of UN war crimes prosecutor Louise Arbour as she assembles the evidence to indict Slobodan Milosevic. History Television, TV5.  1999. A separate version was made for CBC “Life & Times”.

Braving the Darien Gap. Co-writer/Director/Producer.  Three 50 year-old men try to recreate an adventure of their youth in the jungles of Panama and Colombia – but the place has changed.  CBC, National Geographic Int. 1999

Walk on the Wild Side/Quelle aventure!  Writer/Director of five one-hour episodes of this 12 x 60’ series. Productions Paul Cadieux and France24.

Journey to Nunavut, a two-part saga of an Inuit family among Canada’s last nomadic hunters. Vision TV 1998. Co-produced and released by NFB.  Re-made into 6X30-min. series in Inuktitut for APTN. Kathleen Shannon Award, Yorkton.

Sagaman: The Life & Times of Farley Mowat.  Director/Producer, CBC, 1997.

Secret Stories.  Writer/Producer. A young Canadian Inuit woman establishes close friendships in a remote village in the Philippines. Best Children’s Documentary at Hot Docs 1997; winner of the 1997 Unesco Grand Prix award.

Little Heroes.  Writer/Director/Producer.  At the end of a terrible war, what will happen to the thousands of Mozambican children who were kidnapped and press-ganged into service as killers?  CBC Witness, 1994.

Before I Go/Avant de vous faire mes adieux. Director/Producer. The story of Dr. Lucille Teasdale who, with her husband, built and ran Uganda’s best hospital before contracting AIDS during war surgery.  CBC, SRC, 1994. 

Riding Out the Storm/Voyage au coeur de la nuit. Writer/Co-director. A young boy sets out on a perilous journey to find his parents, gone missing in the chaos of the Mozambican civil war. TVA, Vision TV.  Golden Sheaf Award, 1989.